Individual & Couples Counseling, Wellness Coaching, & Life Coaching:
Counseling focuses most specifically on emotional issues, inclusive of interpersonal relationships, anxiety, stress, sadness/melancholy, and various difficulties that can manifest in our lives. Wellness coaching centers on health/wellness priorities, goals, and education in a holistic fashion. Life coaching centers on assisting clients in focusing on such issues as decision making, work matters, and most any type of decision one wants and needs to make or look into – this is also inclusive of discussing personal outlooks/world views. Each center on building on client dreams and purposes, assisting clients in turning goals into achievable plans and actions – intention into reality. The ultimate goal of counseling, wellness coaching, and life coaching is to assist clients in gaining deeper and deeper insight (inclusive of their values and objectives), thus increasing self-awareness, developing a more healthful self-concept, & enjoying greater and greater levels of self-efficacy – realization of the wherewithal to sustain healthful changes and blossom further and further toward their own vision of True Health (as a way-of-life).
- Counseling, wellness coaching, and life coaching offer a close relationship and partnership, providing the structure, accountability, expertise, and inspiration to enable an individual to learn, grow, and develop beyond what she/he can do alone.
- They help clients identify and clarify their priorities and areas for development.
- They employ a diverse array of assessment, psychological, and behavior change tools to empower clients to take charge, connect with their deepest motivators, and learn how to grow and change.
- Counseling, wellness coaching, and life coaching sessions are generally scheduled weekly (or as needed) – to assist clients in clarifying where they want to go, and initiate steps to get there.
- Clients make sustainable changes in order to enjoy deeper and deeper objective insight – inclusive of realization of more and more healthful self-concepts and behavior during the counseling and coaching processes.
- Counseling, wellness coaching, and life coaching are methods of supporting change and growth that blends proven techniques for behavior change with personal growth techniques in a process which assists people in witnessing where they are, see where they want to go, and how to get there.
- They build upon the belief that every client is creative and resourceful.
- They work with the whole person and her/his core values – seeking to connect the client’s inner world with his/her outer reality.
- Counselors assist clients with emotional issues, inclusive of interpersonal relationships, anxiety, stress, sadness/melancholy, and various difficulties that can manifest in our lives. Wellness coaching centers on health/wellness priorities, goals, and education in a holistic fashion. Life coaching centers on assisting clients in focusing on such issues as decision making, work matters, and most any type of decision one wants and needs to make or look into – this is also inclusive of discussing personal outlooks/world views. In each of these modalities – counseling, wellness coaching, and life coaching, we work to develop a beneficial and healthy philosophy/outlook that will positively enhance one’s life. Counseling and coaching typically employ a process of inquiry, reflection, and personal discovery to build client awareness, co-create solutions, and establish and reach behavioral outcomes and goals.
In summary, counseling, wellness coaching and life coaching
- Facilitate insight and clarity through inquiry, reflection, and personal discovery.
- Elicit client-generated and/or collaborative solutions and strategies.
- Honor the wisdom, resourcefulness, and creativity within each client.
- Work with the whole person.
- Stir people to accomplish more.
- Focus on the present and toward creation of desired futures and visions.
- Assist clients in formulating short and long-term plans.
- Focus on the priorities and issues of clients, building on their dreams and purpose.
- Help clients turn goals into achievable action plans – intention into reality.
- Counselors and coaches assist their clients in gaining insight into their values and goals by asking insight-provoking questions; thus prompting clients to increase their self-awareness, develop a new self-concept, and realize the ability to clarify their priorities and goals. The ultimate goal in any counseling/coaching-client relationship is client self-efficacy, e.g., realization of the ability to sustain healthful changes and blossom further and further toward their own vision of True Health. The partnership between a counselor/coach-client offers profound levels of support and encouragement. It can assist clients in pulling themselves out of a ‘rut.’ Counseling and coaching deepen client understanding of themselves and what motivates them.
- An important dimension of counseling and coaching is that they assist people in realizing a healthful means of change – to master the self-change process and reach self-efficacy – the “ability
to achieve and sustain behavior change in the face of my obstacles.” Carl Jung also said that, “The greatest and most important problems of life are all in a certain sense insoluble…they can never be solved, but only outgrown…This ‘outgrowing’ in one’s personal evolution is viewed as being a healthful realization of greater and greater levels wellbeing.
Glen Hepker, Psy.D., is a part-time counselor and coach who works in congruence with the cognitive behavioral tradition. Additionally, he is an instructor of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, and associated health/wellness philosophy and practices. He has written a book, e.g., A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health (available at the wellness center, online, and in bookstores).
From the perspective of the wellness center and school, it is important to understand that our clear primary goal/concern is the well-being of clients and students, e.g., inclusive of nurturing health and wellness of the body, mind, and spirit: at a level in which each client and student is comfortable, willing, and ready.