General Information
Glen Hepker is a part-time counselor, wellness coach, life coach, and an instructor of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, and associated health and wellness philosophy, probity, theory, and practices. He is the author of the book,
A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health and he also writes in his blog (see the site header above for the link to the book’s “Blog”).
Counseling, Wellness Coaching, & Life Coaching

Glen Hepker, Psy.D., is a part-time counselor, wellness coach, and life coach. Counseling focuses most specifically on emotional issues, inclusive of interpersonal relationships, anxiety, stress, sadness/melancholy, and various difficulties that can manifest in our lives; wellness coaching centers on health/wellness priorities, goals, and education in a holistic fashion; life coaching centers on assisting clients in focusing on such issues as decision making, work matters, and most any type of decision one wants and needs to make or look into – this is also inclusive of discussing personal outlooks/world views. In each of these modalities – counseling, wellness coaching, and life coaching, we work to develop a beneficial and healthy philosophy/outlook that will positively enhance one’s life. Each center on building on client dreams and purposes, assisting clients in turning goals into achievable plans and actions – intention into reality. An ultimate goal of counseling and coaching is to assist clients in gaining deeper and deeper insight (inclusive of their values and objectives), thus increasing self-awareness, developing a more healthful self-concept, and enjoying greater and greater levels of self-efficacy – realization of the wherewithal to sustain healthful changes and ongoingly blossom further and further toward their own vision of True Health (as a way-of-life).
Instruction in Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Kung Fu, & Health/Wellness Philosophy & Practices
In exercising an objective view, it is significant to understand that ALL aspects of these arts manifest the many facets that are the ’gem’ of their total, inclusive of particular aspects of the art which are taught at the school: tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, dim mak, probity, and health and wellness philosophy, theory and practices. Within the school setting, tai chi chuan, kung fu, and chi kung are taught as self-defense, though most of the tai chi chuan and chi kung group classes are not inclusive of the traditional self-defense aspects (taught primarily for exercise, meditation, relaxation, and overall health maintenance and benefits, e.g., in the spirit of preventive health and wellness philosophy). It is important to own the notion that it takes TIME & EFFORT to become proficient in these arts: Once one does reach a competent level, the mental and physical benefits are amazing. *Of further note: no matter how taught, we traditionally believe and act upon the notion that the TRUE meaning of self-defense is self-defense against our own weaknesses and bad habits – no one can defeat us, we only defeat ourselves. Our PRIMARY GOAL is student wellness, e.g., wellness of the body, mind, and spirit.